Tuesday 20 December 2011

Was yesterday's lesson interesting and useful?

  • Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah because give a chance to live on this earth. Yesterday my group was present about contextual clues, althought a bit nervous, finally we can also finish the present succesfully. I think the topic our choose is very interesting and useful for the everyday life. Contextual clues divided into several parts sauch as, synonym, antonym, definition, explanation, example, experience, general clues and general clues. We can use this title to their daily lives in search of clues that is it difficult. For example we can use when searching for a difficult word, so contextual clues can help find the difficult word that.
  •   The lesson that we can get is a lot of new words to be learned and can be used in everyday life to write and speak. As you are reading you will naturally find unfamiliar words. If  you are a perspicacious reader,you keen sense of detail may find the meaning from the contex clue. That's all for now, Insyaallah we will meet again with the title more interesting topics. :D